Monday, September 08, 2008

Fawni in the recording studio

Stefanie and Gil were in Los Angeles recording this past week and we've been trying to get together before they go back to Vienna, Austria. I covered Stefanie and Gil's wedding in Capri Italy back in May and that was the last time we all saw each other. They've been so busy but we had to make it happen somehow so when Stefanie said come to the studio, Melissa and I had to go. They are so awesome and it was so great to see them! I can't say enough good things about Stefanie and Gil.

I've never been to a recording studio and I was in heaven with the wall to wall electronics! The mixing board alone was so cool, I was like a kid in a candy store. Anyway, here are a couple pics of Stefanie from my iphone.

1 comment:

blank_space said...

i heard we just missed you and melissa that night. would've loved to catch up with you guys.

-brian and suzy