Monday, June 16, 2008

Santa Barbara Wedding Photographer in Positano, Italy

Another great experience we had while in Italy, was driving up the Amalfi Coast. There are so many beautiful little cities all along the coast and one that we stopped at was Positano. Melissa was in Italy for 3 months last year and while she was there, she visited Positano and did a review on the spa at Le Sirenuse.

We dropped by Le Sirenuse and gave them a copy of the article she wrote for them in YWD. They were so friendly and gave me a tour of the hotel and spa. They were also so kind as to have us there for dinner as their guests. The views from the hotel are amazing, the city, the coast... everything. We actually met two couples from the states that were staying there that were on their honeymoon.

1 comment:

Rosa said...

Beautiful photos. You've caught the soft light so well.