Monday, January 28, 2008

The Katsiouleris Clan Visits The Santa Barbara Mias

My brothers job took his family to Europe for the past 4 years and while they were in London, they met the most incredible family instantly becoming friends. The Katsiouleris clan consists of Bob, Vivi, Matina, Adrianna, Sophie and Dimitri. Sophie and Dimitri are right around my brothers kids ages so they were friends right away.

Anyway, they came to visit since my brother and his family are back in Santa Barbara and they told me I had to meet them and I'm so glad I did. They are an amazing family, super close and full of passion! A few of us went down to the beach and did some longboarding (our latest favorite hobby!) so I had to get some pictures. Adrianna is really into photography too, which I obviously dig!

We listened to the drum circle down at the beach for a while. The circle is a bunch of drummers that get together at the beach on Saturdays and just jam out till the sun goes down, pretty cool!

Here are some favs!

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