Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Festival of Arts - Pageant of the Masters

Trisha and Ray Nash invited Karen, Bear and myself to dinner at their new place in Huntington Beach and to see the Pageant of the Masters last night!

I've never heard of it, but after last night, it's something I'll never forget. It was absolutely amazing! Famous works of art are re-created on a huge stage with real people! It's hard to visualize unless you see if for yourself. It was a beautiful night at the amphitheater in Laguna Beach where we sat through ninety minutes of "living art" as they say on the website. It occurs once a year and it's always a sold out event.

Thank you Trisha and Ray for treating us to such an amazing night! Afterwards we went out for some gelato and as you can see, we re-created our own work of art... well sorta. Here are some fun iphone pics!

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