So, I was honored to have
David Baxter from Oklahoma City fly into town to visit/work for the weekend. He didn't realize He,
Karen, Bear and myself were shooting a large beautiful wedding that required him to not sleep the whole weekend and to not sit either!
We all got together and stayed in a hotel close to the wedding and the first two pictures were taken at around 4am! We were hard at work, see the 2 laptops and the coffee cup? It was so great to have him in town and we had a blast shooting the wedding and it was a weekend none of us is going to forget for a long time!
During the wedding, I was looking around for my backup shooter and what do I see!?! The Baxter up in the balcony with a phone in his hand instead of his cameras! hahaha I had to take a picture of him for evidence sake, too funny. I was informed later that he was texting Karen for some assistance up in the balcony. (Yeah Right!)
I had the ultimate "A" team with me for this wedding as you can see in the last picture. Baxter is on the left shooting the crowd, Karen is on the right shooting wide, I'm behind the bride shooting tight and Bear is sitting down for the first time in 24 hours in the back! It makes the biggest difference in the world to work with real professionals and that's not a joke. I don't know what I would've done without them!