We wanted to get together while we were all in Baltimore for Christmas for a group shot, but like I said before, time flew by! One of the last nights that we were all together, after Ro was done taking his super nap on the recliner and after Rey and I were done conquering the last boss in Gears of War on the Xbox 360, we decided that we had to get a picture of the three of us together. We were so tired and haggered at 3am but we just had to do it.
Here we are, Ro, Rey and Me left to right! I love these guys, don't really know what I'd do without them.
Other than Ro's missing hair, it doesn't look like the brothers Mia have changed at all in 20 years... unless this photo was taken with a really, really, really fast shutter speed...
B Chase, could it be!?! Nope, not much has changed, bet yeah, check out those peaks on Ro!
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