Wow, the holidays sure did come and go quickly! I have family all over the place so we all decided to meet up in Baltimore where my oldest brother and his family live. I have a brother that lives in London so he and his family flew out too! Now of course I miss everyone but I really miss my nieces and nephews the most!
I can't believe how big they're all getting! The oldest is a teenager now, what the heck!?! Anyway, I ran around as much as I could, ate as much as I could, played as much as I could and didn't sleep as much as I could... all this left me with a big fat cold when I finally got home to Santa Barbara! It was all worth it!
Here's Sarah being Sarah, cute and adorable and Dad doing what he does best! She lives in London now and I hope she comes back to Santa Barbara soon, I miss her so much. It's so cool though, she used to live in Ireland before they moved to London in July and she has a little Irish accent! I love it!
Ben Ben Ben! He spent 8 hours putting together a 5000 piece lego model of an Imperial Star Destroyer together right before I got on my plane. He woke me up all through the night up until I left at 5am showing me his progess, I love this guy! I'd like to think he did it so I could see it done before I left, but he's so incredible when it comes to models and complex projects. When he starts something, he has to finish it. This guy is going to be an architect when he grows up!
Beautiful Rachel is such a rockstar, little lady, jock, brain, and everything in between. I can't believe how old she's getting.
Sarah and her brother Jordan have become the best of buddies since they've moved out of the country. They were playing battle bots or something, Jordan won and Sarah lost, too bad! Jordan looks just like his dad! This little guy is precious and sweet, I can't take it!
I had the best time with everyone!