Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Santa Barbara PUG Meeting

Well, last night we had our second Santa Barbara Pictage User Group (PUG) meeting at the Fess Parker Doubletree Resort. I've been to a couple and they're all different so I was wondering what this one was going to be like, anyway, we all met at the bar and grouped together a bunch of tables, had some drinks and ordered appetizers. Isn't that a great setting for a meeting?!?

We had a decent size group with David Jay as our PUG leader and we had some great conversations! Our PUG meetings will only get better. I really enjoy meeting up with other photographers in my area to get to know them and to discuss all the things that will make our businesses grow. DJ shared all the latest and greatest with Pictage and also shared the newest version of ShowIt Web! An answer to all my wishes for a slideshow presentation!

Anyway, thank you to David Jay, SB PUG kicks butt!

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